Elections FAQs

The City of Powers Lake holds city council elections in even-numbered years and in conjunction with the Burke County primary elections. Burke County  has only one voting place which is the Burke County Courthouse. All residents are encouraged to vote by absentee ballot, which are available by contacting the Burke County Auditor at 701-377-2861.

 How do I register to vote?

North Dakota does not require voters to register.

 How do I vote absentee?

Contact the Burke County Auditor at 701-377-2861.

 Where do I vote?

The official voting poll is the Burke County Courthouse.

  Running for City Offices

Follow the link for information running for city office.


Council Positions up for election:
Mayor (4 year term)
City Council member (4 year term)
City Council member (4 year term)

Parkboard Positions up for election:
Park Board member (4 year term)
Park Board member (4 year term)
Park Board member (2 year term)


Anyone interested in running for city positions should stop by city hall for the paperwork/petition. Deadline to have your name on the ballot is April 11, 2022 at 4:00 pm.

 Who should I contact with further questions?

Please contact the city hall at 701-464-5601 or the Burke County Auditor at 701-377-2861.