Welcome to the City of Powers Lake!
You may have recently received a survey discussing lead plumbing and asking you complete a survey. This is something required of ALL cities in the state of North Dakota. The survey you received includes detailed instruction on what you need to do to report the findings on your property.
Scan this QR code to get started!
The City of Powers Lake is a small community with many essential services. We invite you to browse the website and see what our community has to offer. Check out the business directory under the local attractions. Also click on the community calendar to see what events are being planned.
Contact City Hall
218 Main Street
PO Box198
PO Box198
Powers Lake, ND 58773
Phone 701-464-5601
Fax 701-464-2000
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Police Department
Water Department
RV Park